iris issen
project assistant professor, Tokyo College, University of Tokyo
researching queer diasporas in Japan and Europe.
curriculum vitae (abridged)
Ph.D., International Studies, Waseda University
MSc, International Migration and Public Policy, London School of Economics
MSc, Urbanisation and Development, London School of Economics
current appointments
Project Assistant Professor, Tokyo College, University of Tokyo (2023-)
Adjunct Lecturer, School of Sociology, Sophia University (2023-)
Adjunct Lecturer, Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University (2022-)
selected publications
journal articles
(2024). Chinese Transgender Women in Japan and Their Embodied Search for Sexuality in the Online-Offline Continuum. Transfers: Special Issue in Migrants and Their Smartphones: Interlaced Mobilities Online and Offline.
(2020). Digital Technology, Physical Spaces, and the Notion of Belonging among Chinese Migrants in Japan. Asiascape: Digital Asia, 7 (2020), pp. 211-233.
(2020). Chinese Migrants’ Sense of Belonging in Japan: Between Digital and Physical Spaces. Migration Research Series No. 61. Geneva: United Nations - International Organization for Migration, pp. 1-13. Available at: mrs- 61.pdf.
book chapters
(2024). When Digital Media Intersects with Queerness: Transnational Connectivity and the Sense of (Dis) Connectedness among Chinese Trans Women in Japan. In Beatrice Zani and Isabelle Cheng ed., Living Across Connectivity: Intimacy, Entrepreneurship and Activism of East Asian Migrants Online and Offline. London: Anthem Press, pp.113-136.
(2022). Studying Digital Media in Diasporic Transnationalism Context – The Case of International Migrants in Japan. In: Forum Mithani and Griseldis Kirsch ed., Handbook of Japanese Media and Popular Culture in Transition. Tokyo: MHM Limited. ISBN: 9784909286048.
(2022). Building a Life on the Soil of the Ultimate Other: WeChat and Belonging among Chinese Migrants in Japan. In Wanning Sun and Haiqing Yu ed., WeChat Diaspora: Digital Transnationalism in the Era of China’s Rise. New York: Routledge.
invited talks, commentaries, workshops (abridged)
Commentary on "How can atrocities of the past inspire emancipatory politics? The Pink Triangle in a transregional perspective (1970s–2020s)", delivered by Dr. Sébastien Tremblay, Europa-Universität Flensburg in Tokyo College Global History Sessions. TokyoCollege, University of Tokyo, Japan. 1 August 2024.
Tokyo College Masterclass "Queer Studies" TokyoCollege, University of Tokyo, Japan. 29 July 2024.
“Queer Diasporas in Japan - A Brief Introduction”. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. 15 February 2024.
“Home is … in the Future - Chinese Trans Women in Japan and Their Negotiation of Placelessness”. 29th Gender Workshop in conjunction with Annual Conference of the Association for Social Science Research on Japan. Japanese German Center Berlin, Germany. 2-3 November 2023.
“The Queer Affection for IT Industry: Trans Chinese Migrants and Their ‘Labour’ Migration to Japan”. CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research), France. 7 November 2023.
“ジェンダーの平等って、可能ですか?[Is Gender Equality Possible?]”. TokyoCollege, University of Tokyo, Japan. 3 August 2023. Delivered in Japanese.
“Where Should I Go from Here? - Intersectionality, Assemblage, and Stories of Trans Migrants from China”. Sophia Gender and Sexuality Research Association Panel Discussion: Gender & Sexuality in Migration Research. Sophia University, Japan. 13 July 2023.
kindly note that I am unable to share the powerpoint slides from previous presentations
other skills and activities
visiting position
専門社会調査士 (Certificate of Advanced Social Researcher; awarded 2024)
Visiting researcher. Institute of Asian Migrations, Waseda University. April 2021-
professional memberships
International Migration Research Network (IMISCOE), 2017-
Institute of Asian Migrations (Waseda University), 2018-
American Sociological Association, 2018-
Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies (JAMPS), 2019-
British Postgraduate Networks for Chinese studies, 2019-
British Association for Japanese Studies, 2019-
Japanese Society of Gender Incongruence, 2021-
The Gender History Association of Japan, 2023-
Japanese Association for Social Research, 2024-
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists, JSPS, 2023-2026.
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up, JSPS, 2021-2023.