iris issen
project assistant professor, Tokyo College, University of Tokyo
researching queer diasporas in Japan and Europe.
research interest

my research focuses on two interrelated fields.
the first concerns queer diaspora studies, in particular trans diasporas in Japan and Europe. i examine how diasporic experiences shape their interpretation and articulation of various axes of identity.
the second concerns digital media practices, where i explore the intersections of queerness, mobility, and digital connectivity.
transnarratives queer approach feminist critique
digital ethnography
queer as essentially diasporic
latest publications
When Digital Media Intersects with Queerness: Transnational Connectivity and the Sense of (Dis) Connectedness among Chinese Trans Women in Japan.
In Beatrice Zani and Isabelle Cheng ed.
Living Across Connectivity: Intimacy, Entrepreneurship and Activism of East Asian Migrants Online and Offline
London: Anthem Press, pp.113-136.

current projects